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User Agreement

1. General Provisions

This User Agreement governs the relationship between Roman Hair, the owner of the website roman-hair.com.ua, and the user of the Site's services.

2. Subject of the Agreement

The user agrees to the terms of this Agreement by registering on the Site, using the Site, or its individual features.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1 User Rights:

To use all available services of the Site in accordance with its functionality and this Agreement.

To require the Site owner to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

3.2 User Obligations:

To provide accurate and complete information during registration and use of the Site's services.

To respect copyright and related rights, as well as intellectual property rights while using the Site.

3.3 Rights of the Site Owner:

To modify the terms of the Agreement, notifying Users in a convenient manner.

To restrict access to the Site in the event of a User's violation of the terms of this Agreement.

4. Liability of the Parties

The user bears full responsibility for actions performed using their account on the Site.

The Site owner is not responsible for temporary malfunctions and interruptions in the Site's operation and the losses of information caused by them.

5. Dispute Resolution

All disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement are to be resolved through negotiations.

If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute will be submitted to the court in accordance with applicable legislation.

6. Final Provisions

This Agreement comes into effect from the moment it is accepted by the User and is valid indefinitely.

The Site owner reserves the right to change or supplement the text of this Agreement at any time without special notice to the User.

Date of last update: 24.07.2024